Box To The Beat is one of the hottest new reality game shows created by Kendrick Miree. With a background in college wrestling, amateur boxing, professional mixed martial arts, professional kickboxing, coaching, real estate investing, and serving as KM Fitness LLC owner, Miree has extensive experience in a number of fields.
This game show isn’t like anything else you’ve ever seen before. Miree’s new phenomenon makes boxing more appealing and decreases the fear factor associated with the sport. As a result of Kendrick Miree’s creativity, everyone can have fun without risking their brains.
The popularity of boxing has been on the rise lately, so Miree decided now was the perfect time to create Box To The Beat. Young up-and-coming boxers such as Ryan Garcia, Devin Haney, and Gervontae Davis, they have helped boost the sport’s popularity on the Harris Poll, just behind football, baseball, and basketball. When creating Box To The Beat, Kendrick Miree took boxing and turned it into an art form. Flashy mitt work has always been a glamor aspect of the sport, showing off boxers’ unique skills. By transforming a craze into a game show like American Idol, Dancing With The Stars, and Wild N Out, Miree has created an entirely new concept of competition. In 2023, Miree plans to tour every major city in the United States with the show, showcasing the best coaches and boxer duos.
To be successful as an entrepreneur, Kendrick Miree believes you must first love yourself and value every moment on earth. To stay successful on that journey, however, you must always remain confident in yourself and your abilities, continue to educate yourself, take action, and network with like-minded individuals. Miree’s strong connection to his family and faith in God almighty contributed to his success and served as an inspiration for him to keep going.
If you’re interested in learning more about Kendrick Miree, his path to success, or how you can audition for Box To The Beat, follow him on social media here and check out the official Box To The Beat website here.